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Administrative Units


  1. To create the annual internal and external communication strategies of the institution, to determine and follow the targets,
  2. To manage the budget of the communication department of the institution,
  3. To manage corporate identity studies,
  4. To correctly and effectively manage and follow the relations with the agencies (media, pr, web agency, etc.),
  5. To effectively use all communication channels of the institution,
  6. To plan, organize, and manage the events and activities necessary for the promotion of schools,
  7. To conduct perception, reputation, satisfaction, research,
  8. To prepare press releases,
  9. To prepare promotional materials and follow-up printing processes with suppliers,
  10. To provide correct and effective communication with all stakeholders of the institution (Board of Directors, Academic Board, Employees, Teachers, Parents, Students, Agencies, Media, Press, suppliers, etc.),
  11. To establish the annual communication and marketing plans and budget of the institution,
  12. To realize the annual planning in accordance with the determined budget,
  13. To plan and realize domestic and international fairs, meetings, trainings, and seminars.
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