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Administrative Units


  1. To make a general follow-up of the Erasmus Exchange Program activity,
  2. To perform processes regarding student and teaching staff activities within the scope of the Erasmus Exchange Program,
  3. To inform the coordinators and students of the Erasmus Exchange Program,
  4. To represent the University at national and international meetings, fairs, and conferences for the Erasmus Programme,
  5. To make the correspondence of the Erasmus Exchange Program (receiving applications, sending applications, contracts, opening student files, payment tracking, etc.),
  6. To prepare Bilateral Agreements for Erasmus Exchange Program and to follow the signing phase,
  7. To prepare the students selected for Erasmus Exchange Program for the exchange program (Orientation, Language Education),
  8. To carry out procedures for incoming students within the scope of the Erasmus Exchange Program (Information Orientation-Learning Protocol and Signing of Add-Delete Protocols-Filing),
  9. To prepare the reports on Erasmus Exchange Program and to notify the Turkish National Agency on time,
  10. To make electronic correspondence of Erasmus Exchange Program,
  11. To check Erasmus Exchange Program Web page and update the information.
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